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empty out of a thing, to let its contents flow away. [1/3 definitions]
erythema abnormal redness of the skin or mucous membranes that is caused by increased blood flow to the capillaries in response to injury, infection, or inflammation.
extravasate to force (blood or lymph) to flow from the usual vessels into surrounding tissues. [4 definitions]
faucet a device for turning on and off the flow of liquid from a pipe or container; tap; spigot.
Federal Reserve System a U.S. federal banking system that sets interest rates and regulates the flow of money.
feng shui the Chinese art of creating harmony in one's environment through placement of objects in a building or in space generally such that the natural flow and balance of chi, or vital energy, is maintained.
fireflood a procedure designed to increase the flow of oil from an oil well by injecting compressed air into the ground and burning some of the oil.
flood a great outpouring or flow. [3/8 definitions]
floodgate a gate, as in a canal, used to control a flow or level of water. [2 definitions]
fluid a substance, such as a liquid or gas, that can flow and that tends to conform to the shape of its container. [1/5 definitions]
flush1 a brief but heavy gush or flow, esp. of water. [4/10 definitions]
flux a flow or flowing in, as of the tide. [3/9 definitions]
galactorrhea the abnormal or excessive flow of milk from a breast.
gangrenous of or pertaining to tissue in a living body that is dead or decaying due to impaired blood flow.
gatehouse a structure built at the gate of a dam or reservoir that houses the controls needed to regulate the flow of water. [1/2 definitions]
go along to move or flow ahead; proceed. [1/2 definitions]
grid current the flow of electrons from the grid to the cathode of a vacuum tube.
gurgle to flow out in a noisy, bubbling stream. [2/4 definitions]
gutter to flow in rivulets or small streams. [1/10 definitions]
half tide the condition or point in time of a tide halfway between its peak ebb and flow.
hemodynamic pertaining to the flow of blood in the circulatory system.