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holding pattern the flying pattern of an aircraft while it awaits clearance to land at an airport.
kiwi a bird of New Zealand that has gray-brown feathers, a long thin bill, and small, weak wings that are useless for flying. [1/2 definitions]
land to bring an airplane or other flying vehicle safely to the ground or other surface. [1/12 definitions]
nonflying combined form of flying.
pterodactyl any of various extinct flying reptiles.
pterosaur a flying reptile of the Mesozoic era characterized as having a birdlike beak and membranous wings supported by an exceptionally long fourth digit of each forelimb.
rocketry the science and technology of designing, building, and flying rockets.
running start see "flying start."
salute to honor or pay respect to with a formal ceremony or gesture, such as flying a flag at half-mast. [1/7 definitions]
shearwater any of various long-winged black or black-and-white sea birds that, when flying low, appear to skim the water with their wings.
skipper2 any of various insects that skip or dart, esp. certain flying insects closely related to butterflies. [1/2 definitions]
sortie the flying of an aircraft on a combat mission. [1/3 definitions]
spray1 water or another liquid flying or falling in fine droplets, as from the nozzle of a hose. [1/8 definitions]
strafe to fire on (something on the ground or water) with machine guns from low-flying aircraft. [2 definitions]
UFO abbreviation of "unidentified flying object."
ufology the study of photographs and reports of unidentified flying objects, esp. considered as spacecraft from other planets.
volant flying or able to fly. [1/3 definitions]
whistle to make a similar sound by rapid movement through the air, as wind or a flying object. [1/10 definitions]
whiz to make a buzzing or hissing sound by, or as if by, flying swiftly through the air. [2/6 definitions]
wing to move rapidly by or as if by means of flying. [2/14 definitions]