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Dictionary Suite
focusless combined form of focus.
freefloating lacking a connection, commitment, or focus, esp. with respect to a doctrine, party, or cause. [1/3 definitions]
funnel to concentrate or focus, as if pouring through a funnel. [1/4 definitions]
hyperopia the condition of being able to focus the eyes on distant objects more clearly than on near ones; far-sightedness. (Cf. myopia.)
look to turn one's glance, attention, or focus of interest in a particular direction. [1/12 definitions]
off the beaten path away from the main or popular focus of interest. [1/2 definitions]
off the beaten track away from the main or popular focus of interest. [1/2 definitions]
pay attention to direct your mind to (something); focus your attention on (usu. fol. by "to").
presbyopia inability to focus on nearby objects due to age-related hardening of the lens of the eye.
radio telescope a concave reflector or array of reflectors designed to collect and focus extraterrestrial radio waves for analysis.
range finder any of various instruments used to determine the distance from the observer to a particular object or mark, as to sight a gun or focus a camera.
rattle to speak rapidly without attention, focus, or intensity; chatter; prattle. [1/9 definitions]
reflecting telescope an optical telescope that uses mirrors rather than lenses to focus light rays. (Cf. refracting telescope.)
reflex camera a camera fitted with a mirror behind the lens which reflects the image onto a ground glass plate to achieve an exact focus.
refracting telescope an optical telescope that uses lenses rather than mirrors to focus light rays. (Cf. reflecting telescope.)
region an area of interest or focus; sphere. [1/4 definitions]
revolve to primarily involve or be concerned about; focus on (fol. by "around"). [1/6 definitions]
set aside to not focus or stop focusing one's attention on (a certain thing) for the present. [1/4 definitions]
settle down to begin to focus on something with full concentration (usu. fol. by "to"). [1/4 definitions]
solar furnace a furnace for heating, smelting, and the like, that uses a parabolic reflector to focus solar rays.
spotlight to focus a beam of light on; illuminate with a spotlight. [2/5 definitions]