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imperfect an item of goods that contains a defect but still is considered usable and is offered for sale usu. at a lower price. [1/5 definitions]
in stock in the store and available for sale.
list1 to be available for sale at a certain price. [1/3 definitions]
lot an area of land used for parking vehicles or for exhibiting vehicles for sale. [1/8 definitions]
lumberyard a place where lumber is stacked and offered for sale.
market a place where goods are sold. [2/4 definitions]
medicine show a usu. small group of traveling salespeople who put on entertaining shows to attract customers for the patent medicines and other cures offered for sale.
nonprescription for sale without a prescription.
nursery a place where plants or trees are grown for sale. [1/2 definitions]
nurseryman one who grows plants or young trees, often for sale.
offer to present for sale. [1/14 definitions]
offering that which is offered, either as a gift or for sale.
out of stock not present for sale in a store.
overhead the general expenses of a business, excluding materials, cost of goods for sale, and labor. [1/5 definitions]
package to place in a container or in wrapping, as for sale. [1/6 definitions]
packer a person or business organization that packs something for sale, esp. meat. [1/2 definitions]
peddle to offer for sale on the street or from door to door.
pitch1 a particular wording or approach, designed to be attention-grabbing and persuasive, used in the promotion of a product for sale. [1/23 definitions]
publish to prepare and bring out for sale for the public to read.
put up to offer (something) for sale or auction. [1/11 definitions]
retail to be for sale at retail. [1/6 definitions]