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get to be forced to succumb to or take; catch. [1/17 definitions]
ghetto a part of a town or city in which members of a particular race, religion, nationality, ethnic group, or the like are forced by law to live. [1/3 definitions]
gulag a Soviet forced labor camp, as for political prisoners. [1/2 definitions]
homestead law any law prohibiting forced sale or seizure of a homestead to settle debt. [1/2 definitions]
hurried moving or acting quickly; forced to hurry. [1/2 definitions]
impacted forced closely into. [1/2 definitions]
laccolith a mass of igneous rock that has been forced between layers of sedimentary rock and has bulged them upward.
life net a strong net used by firefighters or others to catch people forced to jump from a burning building.
life raft a small, usu. inflatable raft for use by people forced to abandon a boat or ship.
Magna Carta the document forced from King John of England in 1215, which granted personal and political liberties to the English people. [1/2 definitions]
Marrano any of the Jews who were forced to convert to Christianity during the Inquisition in Spain and Portugal, but who often remained secret adherents of Judaism.
natural true or spontaneous; not affected, pretended, or forced. [1/9 definitions]
pile2 a large shaft of steel, wood, concrete, or the like that is forced or pounded into the ground to serve as a structural and supporting element of a wall, building, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
prison any place or situation of forced restraint or confinement. [1/3 definitions]
privileged communication a communication that one cannot be forced to divulge, such as that between a doctor and a patient. [1/2 definitions]
ramjet a jet engine powered by a stream of compressed air that is forced out faster than it is taken in during forward motion of the plane.
refugee a person forced to leave his or her home or native land to seek safe refuge, usu. as a result of war, persecution, or the like.
repulse the act of forcing back, or a forced retreat. [1/4 definitions]
run the gauntlet to expose oneself to harsh criticism or attacks by multiple people, especially by being forced to proceed through two lines of attackers.
self-imposed forced on one by oneself; undertaken or endured voluntarily.
shotgun wedding a wedding into which one or both of the participants are forced, esp. because of pregnancy.