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language laboratory a room with recording and sound reproduction equipment in which students can study and practice foreign languages.
launder to conceal the source of (money obtained illegally) by channeling it through an intermediary such as a foreign bank, a legitimate business, or a business created solely for such a purpose. [1/5 definitions]
legation the legate and staff of a diplomatic mission in a foreign country. [1/3 definitions]
legionnaire a member of a legion such as the American Legion or Foreign Legion.
liberty freedom from foreign rule or excessive governmental control. [1/5 definitions]
lingo language that is specialized or hard for outsiders to understand, such as a foreign language or the terms of a particular trade, study, or profession.
loanshift a change or addition in the meaning of a word through the influence of a foreign word. [1/2 definitions]
macrophage a white blood cell that engulfs and digests microbes, cancer cells, and foreign substances.
mercantilism the doctrine, developed in the West after the decline of feudalism, that a nation's economy could be strengthened by governmental protection of home industries, by increased foreign exports, and by accumulating gold and silver. [1/2 definitions]
mercenary doing military service for pay alone, esp. in a foreign army. [2/4 definitions]
Mikhail Gorbachev a statesman and leader of the Soviet Union from 1985 to 1991, during which time his foreign policy and domestic reforms contributed to the end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Communist U.S.S.R. (b.1931).
military attaché a military officer assigned to a diplomatic post in a foreign country.
mission a group of people sent to a foreign location to establish relations and conduct trade or do diplomatic or religious work. [1/7 definitions]
missionary a person, usually a member of a church or religious order, who is sent to a foreign country to convert the people to his or her religion, or to teach in or establish schools, or to serve as medical personnel in clinics or hospitals. [1/3 definitions]
nationalist (cap.) a follower of a political movement that favors national government and resistance against foreign domination or interference. [1/3 definitions]
natural-born citizen a person born in the United States or on foreign soil to two parents who are American citizens. Being a natural-born citizen is a requirement for becoming a U.S. president.
naturalization the act, on the part of a government, of granting full citizenship to a foreign-born person. [1/2 definitions]
naturalize to bring (something foreign or new) into common usage. [1/4 definitions]
neutrality the foreign policy of a nation that refuses to take sides in an international dispute. [1/2 definitions]
occlude of certain solids, to incorporate (foreign matter or gases). [1/5 definitions]
occupation the act or process of militarily holding or occupying a foreign land, usually after the defeat of its forces. [1/5 definitions]