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rainforest a dense forest of evergreens and heavy undergrowth in a tropical area that receives abundant rainfall throughout the year.
ranger a member of a security force employed to patrol a particular area, esp. a parkland or forest. [1/3 definitions]
reforestation the act of planting new trees to cover land where a forest had existed previously.
slash the debris remaining after the cutting of an area of forest. [1/9 definitions]
slashing a place in a forest that is cleared, but scattered with debris; slash. [1/4 definitions]
sylvan living or located in a wood or forest. [1/3 definitions]
taiga the strip of subarctic evergreen forest that covers much of the northern parts of North America, Europe, and Asia.
underbrush small shrubs, trees, and other plants growing beneath taller trees, as in a forest.
weald wooded or wild country; wilderness; forest.
wildwood a wood growing in a wild or natural state; forest.
wood (usu. pl.) a collection of trees growing close together in one area; forest; grove. [1/9 definitions]
woodland land covered with woods; forest. [1/2 definitions]