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aluminum a chemical element that has thirteen protons in each nucleus, occurs commonly in ores such as bauxite, and in pure form is a strong lightweight corrosion-resistant silvery metal with many industrial uses. (symbol: Al)
amazonite a moderately hard, green form of microcline, sometimes used as a gemstone.
ambient a type of instrumental music characterized by patterns of sound rather than melodic form or rhythmic structure, and which can be explicitly listened to or serve as background or atmospheric sound. [1/3 definitions]
amendable combined form of amend.
amorphous lacking definite form, shape, or character. [1/2 definitions]
amyloid a result of the degeneration of body tissue, occurring in the form of a hard waxy protein deposit. [1/3 definitions]
analogous in biology, similar in form or function, but of different evolutionary origin. [1/2 definitions]
analogy in biology, a similarity in form or function of organs or parts that are of different evolutionary origin. [1/5 definitions]
anchorless combined form of anchor.
angerless combined form of anger.
angle iron a piece of rolled iron or steel in the form of a right angle along its lengthwise dimension, used in construction for joining parts or as support.
annuity a form of investment that produces a fixed annual income. [1/2 definitions]
annular ligament a ligament in the form of a circle, esp. around the ankle or wrist joint.
anomaly an act or instance of differing from the usual pattern, form, or type; peculiarity; abnormality. [1/2 definitions]
anthropomorphic similar in form to a human being. [1/2 definitions]
antiacademic combined form of academic.
anti-acne combined form of acne.
antiadministration combined form of administration.
antiaggression combined form of aggression.
antiaging combined form of aging.
anti-AIDS combined form of AIDS.