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bill of attainder a legislative act in which a person is found guilty, without trial, of a crime, esp. treason, and condemned to capital punishment.
bioflavonoid any of a group of yellow hydrocarbon pigments found in many flowers and fruits, once thought to be important as a vitamin in humans; vitamin P.
biotin a compound considered part of the vitamin B complex, found in milk, egg yolks, and yeast.
biotite a mica commonly found in igneous and metamorphic rock, ranging in color from dark green or brown to black, and containing iron, magnesium, potassium, and aluminum.
bison a hoofed, shaggy, cud-chewing mammal with a large head and forequarters, short curved horns, and a hump at the shoulders, found in North America; buffalo. [2 definitions]
bitterroot a plant found in western North America that bears showy pink or white flowers and has a fleshy edible root.
bittersweet a climbing, woody vine found in North America, bearing orange fruit that splits open when ripe to expose red-coated seeds. [2/5 definitions]
blackdamp a suffocating gas composed of carbon dioxide and nitrogen, found as a residue of fires and explosions of combustible gases in mines; chokedamp.
blackjack a small oak with black bark, found in the southeastern United States. [1/6 definitions]
bladder in botany, an inflated, hollow sac or float, as is found in certain seaweeds. [1/3 definitions]
bluefish a blue-colored game and food fish found in temperate Atlantic waters of the North and South American coast. [1/2 definitions]
bluegrass a grass having a blue-green color and much used in pastures and lawns, found esp. in Kentucky. [1/2 definitions]
bluepoint a small oyster found mostly in beds near the eastern tip of Long Island.
borax a white substance found in naturally occurring borates and used as a cleansing or flushing agent, in the production of ceramics, and in tanning.
bowfin a primitive, carnivorous freshwater fish found in eastern North America that has a rounded tail and a long fin on its back.
Brazilian wandering spider any of a family of highly venomous, quick-moving, and aggressive spiders native to the rainforests of Brazil, also known as the banana spider for the frequency with which members of this family are found in bunches of bananas.
buckthorn an evergreen tree or shrub found in the southern parts of the United States. [1/2 definitions]
buffalo grass a range grass found on the plains east of the Rocky Mountains.
bulimarexia an eating disorder, esp. found in young women, that is marked by the eating of large amounts of food followed by purging, usu. by self-induced vomiting or by taking laxatives, to avoid weight gain. (Cf. anorexia.)
bumper a device for minimizing damage by absorbing the shock of impact, esp. the metal structure often found at the front and back of motor vehicles. [1/7 definitions]
bustard any of several large long-legged birds related to the cranes and often found in open grassy areas of Europe, Asia, and Africa.