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ballade a poem of three eight-line or ten-line stanzas followed by an envoy of four or five lines, the stanzas and the envoy all having the same last line. [1/2 definitions]
ballad stanza a four-line stanza often used in ballads, the second and fourth lines of which rhyme.
banjo a musical instrument with a circular body covered with skin, a long fretted neck, and four or five strings that are plucked or strummed.
barouche a four-wheeled carriage with a folding top, two opposing seats for two people each inside, and a driver's seat outside in front.
base1 in baseball, one of the four corners of the infield, or the bag marking any of these points. [1/7 definitions]
baseball a game played with a bat and ball by two teams of nine players each, the object being to score runs by advancing runners around four bases. [1/2 definitions]
base on balls in baseball, an advance to first base taken by a batter to whom four balls have been pitched. (See walk.)
bass1 a person who sings the lowest part in a group of singers, especially in a group which is divided into four ranges of pitch from high to low. [1/5 definitions]
beast any four-footed mammal, esp. as distinguished from humans or from birds and invertebrates. [1/3 definitions]
berlin a large four-wheeled closed carriage with separate perches for the footman and driver, and two facing seats inside. [1/2 definitions]
beryllium a chemical element of the alkaline-earth group that has four protons in each nucleus and occurs in pure form as a hard, light, gray solid, chiefly used in alloys with copper and in aerospace material. (symbol: Be)
big brother (cap.) in the 1948 novel Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, an invisible but all-seeing and omnipotent force representing totalitarian government. [1/3 definitions]
biretta in the Roman Catholic and some Anglican churches, a stiff, square cap with three or four raised ridges, worn by clergymen and varying in color according to their rank.
block a section of a city or town bounded on four sides by intersecting streets, or the distance represented by one side of such a section. [1/19 definitions]
bogie1 a system of four wheels mounted on two axles used on the rear of some trucks, tractors, and tanks.
bristlecone pine a small pine growing at high altitudes in the western United States that is the longest-lived conifer known, some specimens being over four thousand years old.
broadloom of or pertaining to carpets or rugs woven on a loom wider than four and a half feet. [2 definitions]
brougham a four-wheeled, horse-drawn carriage with a closed compartment for passengers and an open driver's seat in front. [1/3 definitions]
buggy1 a small carriage with four wheels that is pulled by a single horse. [2/3 definitions]
bushel1 in the US, a unit of capacity of dry measure equal to four pecks or 35.239 liters. [2/5 definitions]
butyl any of four hydrocarbon radicals having three carbon molecules and a valence of one.