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reticent reluctant to speak; not given to frequent speech; restrained; shy.
rife common or frequent; widespread. [1/3 definitions]
satyriasis a condition of frequent excessive or uncontrollable sexual desire or arousal in a male.
sea lane a sea route that is in frequent use by vessels.
sexpot (informal) a person, esp. a woman, who has a strong sex drive or has frequent sexual encounters. [1/2 definitions]
shore bird any of various birds, such as the sandpiper, that frequent the shores of oceans, lakes, and the like.
street the people who use, live on, or frequent such a thoroughfare. [1/5 definitions]
tango a Latin American ballroom dance with gliding steps and frequent, abrupt turns, often performed as an exhibition dance. [1/3 definitions]
trite ineffective or stale because of frequent repetition; commonplace; hackneyed.
twice-told of a tale, story, or the like, familiar or hackneyed because of frequent repetition.
whore one who engages in frequent sexual intercourse for money; prostitute. [1/4 definitions]
yodel to sing or call out with frequent, abrupt changes so that the voice fluctuates between the natural chest voice and a falsetto. [2 definitions]