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remember to recall and consequently fulfill an obligation. [1/7 definitions]
requite to pay back; fulfill (a debt or the like). [1/3 definitions]
responsible having the means to fulfill financial obligations. [1/6 definitions]
satisfy to fulfill or gratify the needs or expectations of. [2/5 definitions]
self-fulfilling acting or tending to fulfill one's own desires, goals, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
serve to fulfill a term of service, esp. in the military or government. [2/16 definitions]
student teacher a college student in training to become a teacher who teaches in an elementary or secondary school under close supervision, usu. to fulfill a requirement for a degree in education; practice teacher.
subcontractor an individual or company engaged by a contractor to fulfill some or all of the commitments made by that contractor.
tall difficult to satisfy or fulfill. [1/6 definitions]
under oath bound by oath to tell the truth or fulfill a promise.
unsatisfactory not of a high enough quality to meet a certain standard or to fulfill a certain need or desire.
votive offered, expressed, or dedicated in order to fulfill a vow or pledge. [1/2 definitions]