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Hudson seal muskrat fur that is dyed and sheared to look like seal.
kinkajou a nocturnal, tree-dwelling animal of Central and South America that has a long, prehensile tail and brown fur.
kit2 the young of certain fur-bearing animals, such as beavers, foxes, rabbits, and ferrets. [1/2 definitions]
kolinsky the tawny fur of this animal. [1/2 definitions]
komondor (often cap.) any of a Hungarian breed of dog having a large strong body with white fur that mats into hanging cords.
krimmer a gray, curly fur made from the pelts of lambs of the Crimean region.
kuvasz any of a Hungarian breed of dog with a large strong body covered by long wavy white fur.
lapin a rabbit or its fur, esp. as prepared for wear as clothing.
leather the tanned or preserved skin of an animal, usu. with the hair or fur removed. [1/5 definitions]
leopard the fur of this animal. [1/2 definitions]
longhair a breed of animal, esp. the domestic cat, with long fur. [2/5 definitions]
loris any of several small nocturnal primates of southeastern Asia, having large eyes and woolly fur and living in trees.
lynx any of several medium-sized wild cats having soft, spotted fur and tufted ears.
Maltese any of a breed of domestic cat that has short bluish gray fur; Maltese cat. [1/5 definitions]
marmoset any of various small, tropical American monkeys that have a squirrel-like body, soft fur, and a long, furry tail.
marmot any of several thick-bodied burrowing rodents that have coarse fur and short legs and ears, such as the woodchuck.
marten any of several carnivorous weasel-like mammals of northern forests that hunt mostly in trees and have dark glossy fur. [2 definitions]
mat1 a thick or dense mass of tangled hair, fur, or the like. [1/7 definitions]
meerkat a small mammal with gray and tan fur, related to the mongoose and native to South Africa.
miniver a white fur, esp. ermine, used for trimming garments such as ceremonial robes.
mink the valuable, soft, lustrous, usu. brown fur of this animal. [2/3 definitions]