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carbonation infusion of water with carbon dioxide gas.
carbon black any of various finely divided forms of carbon obtained from the incomplete burning of natural gas or petroleum oil, and used to make ink, pigments, and rubber, and as a filtering agent.
carbon dioxide a gas without color or odor that is made up of carbon and oxygen. Carbon dioxide is in the air and is used in soft drinks. Frozen carbon dioxide is called dry ice.
carbon monoxide a poisonous gas with no color or smell. Carbon monoxide forms when a material made of carbon, like gasoline, is not fully burned because of too little air.
carminative a substance that induces expulsion of gas from the stomach and intestines. [2 definitions]
chlorine a substance that is one of the chemical elements. It combines with sodium to form table salt. It is also used in making bleach. Chlorine is poisonous in its pure gas form. (symbol: Cl)
chromosphere a layer of gas, mostly hydrogen, that surrounds a star, esp. the sun, above the photosphere and below the corona.
CO2 abbreviation of "carbon dioxide," a colorless, odorless, incombustible gas that is produced naturally in breathing, combustion, and decomposition, and commercially for use in dry ice, fire extinguishers, and carbonated beverages.
coal gas a gas used for lighting and heating that is produced by the distillation of bituminous coal. [2 definitions]
cock1 a device like a faucet used to control the flow of a liquid or gas. [1/3 definitions]
colic acute abdominal pain, esp. that in infants, caused by intestinal gas.
colloid in chemistry, a suspension of a very finely ground or divided substance in a gas, liquid, or solid, such that suspended particles tend not to settle out. [1/3 definitions]
comet an object in space that travels around the sun. A comet is made up of dust and gas, and sometimes forms a long, bright tail.
condensate the liquid that results from condensation of a gas.
condensation the act or process of changing from a gas to a liquid. [1/2 definitions]
condense to cause to change from a gas to a liquid or solid through cooling. [2/4 definitions]
convection the movement or transfer of heat through a liquid or gas because of the natural rising of the heated parts and sinking of the cooled parts.
current the flowing movement of a body or mass of fluid or gas. [1/5 definitions]
cutoff termination of a service such as electricity or natural gas. [1/5 definitions]
cyanogen a poisonous organic gas of carbon and nitrogen that is used for chemical warfare, as a rocket propellant, and in organic synthesis.
damp unbreathable gas in a mine. [1/8 definitions]