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counterintelligence a program of a government or other organization to frustrate enemy espionage, intelligence gathering, and subversion.
elint the gathering of information by use of electronic devices located on ships, airplanes, satellites, or the like (acronym for "electronic intelligence").
entrée a way of gaining access, as to a person, gathering, or society. [1/3 definitions]
fair2 a gathering at which farm animals and farm produce are judged, usu. held over several days and including games and amusements. [3 definitions]
-fest a gathering or celebration involving (such) activity.
festival a series of presentations, or a gathering of exhibitors in one or more of the fine arts, theater arts, or crafts, or such a gathering based on any of various central themes. [1/4 definitions]
fry1 a picnic or other gathering that features fried food, esp. fried fish. [1/7 definitions]
function a social or official gathering, usu. elaborate and formal. [1/5 definitions]
gabfest (informal) a gathering for the purpose of talking and exchanging gossip.
gather the act or an instance of gathering. [2/12 definitions]
get-together a gathering of a few people for social purposes.
habitué one who frequents a place, esp. of social gathering or entertainment.
harvest the gathering of ripe crops. [2/11 definitions]
hootenanny (informal) a social gathering at which participants engage in folk singing and sometimes dancing.
host1 a person who presides over a large gathering and often performs the function of introducing people to an audience; master of ceremonies. [1/5 definitions]
huddle in football, a gathering of a team's players to get instructions for the next play. [1/8 definitions]
husking bee a gathering of family, friends, or neighbors to husk corn, usu. held as a party or celebration with other festivities included; cornhusking; husking.
jam1 a large gathering or mass that slows or prevents movement. [1/12 definitions]
jamboree a gathering of members from many places, esp. an international gathering, as of Boy Scouts. [1/2 definitions]
jam session an informal gathering, esp. of jazz musicians, to play improvisations together.
love feast a banquet or gathering of people to promote friendliness and good will. [1/3 definitions]