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generic of or concerning a biological genus. [1/4 definitions]
giardia any parasitic protozoan of the genus Giardia that colonizes the intestines of humans and other vertebrates and may cause diarrhea and other digestive problems.
giardiasis infection of the intestines by any parasitic protozoan of the genus Giardia associated with diarrhea, abdominal pain, and weight loss.
leptospirosis any of various systemic infections in humans and animals, variously affecting the eyes, kidneys, liver, or the like, that is caused by a genus of spiral-shaped bacteria found in water and sewage.
lignum vitae the hard, heavy, durable wood of a genus of evergreen tropical American trees, used in making marine supplies, casters, pulleys, and the like.
Linnaean of, using, or denoting Linnaeus' system of classifying plants and animals according to a double name, the first word naming the genus, and the second naming the species.
listeria any of various rod-shaped bacteria of the genus Listeria that infects humans and other animals through contaminated food. [1/2 definitions]
meadow rue any of a genus of perennial plants of the buttercup family that have ruelike leaves and bear clusters of small, white, yellow, or purple flowers.
meadowsweet any of a genus of plants of the rose family bearing fragrant clusters of white, pink, or purple flowers. [1/2 definitions]
megalosaur any of a genus of huge carnivorous dinosaurs.
orchis any of a genus of orchids bearing small purple or white flowers that grow in spikes.
Perdix a genus of partridge, medium in size and inhabiting parts of Asia, Europe, and North America. [1/2 definitions]
pipistrelle any of a genus of small bats, found in North America and most of the Eastern Hemisphere, that fly before nightfall.
Pithecanthropus (Latin) a former genus of extinct hominids; Java man. (See Homo erectus.)
protea any flowering shrub from southern Africa of the genus Protea.
rotavirus any of a genus (Rotavirus) of double-stranded RNA viruses causing a low-grade fever, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, esp. in infants and young children.
species in biology, the most fundamental classification of living things, comprising individuals that naturally breed with one another but not with those of other species; subdivision of a genus. [1/3 definitions]
subfamily a biological classification of related organisms ranked between a family and a genus. [1/2 definitions]
tautonym in zoology, a scientific name in which the genus name and the species name are the same.
teosinte any of several grasses of the genus Zea native to Mexico and Central America that are similar to corn. Scientists believe that corn was domesticated from a type of teosinte.
trinomial the three-word taxonomic name of any plant or animal, designating its genus, species, and subspecies or variety. [1/4 definitions]