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Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel a German philosopher (b.1770--d.1831).
Germanic of or pertaining to the language group that includes German, Dutch, English, Flemish, and the Scandinavian languages. [2/3 definitions]
Germanize to become or cause to become German in character, language, attitude, or the like.
Ghibelline a member of an aristocratic faction in medieval Italy that supported the authority of the German emperors over the papacy. (Cf. Guelph.)
groschen a German nickel coin worth ten pfennigs. [1/3 definitions]
Guelph a member of a medieval Italian political faction that supported the pope against the German emperors. (Cf. Ghibelline.)
Hapsburg a member of a German noble family that has produced rulers of several European countries since the twelfth century, or the name of the family itself.
Herr a German title of respect for men, preceding family names and professional titles, and corresponding to English "Mr." or "Sir".
Hessian any of the German mercenaries that served with the British during the American Revolution.
High German the dialects of the German language spoken in the central and southern parts of the country. (Cf. Low German.) [2 definitions]
Immanuel Kant a German philosopher (b.1724--d.1804).
Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm German brothers who were folklorists and philologists (Jakob, b.1785--d.1863; Wilhelm, b.1786--d.1859).
Jerome Relocation Center a U.S. internment camp located in southeastern Arkansas that was built for the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II. At its peak in late 1942, there were 8,500 people forcibly living there. After it was closed, the Jerome Center was converted into a holding camp for German prisoners of war.
Johannes Kepler a German astronomer and mathematician (b.1571--d.1630).
Johann Goethe a German author (b.1749--d.1832).
Johann Gutenberg a German printer considered to be the inventor of the system of printing with movable type (b.1400?--d.1468?).
Johann Sebastian Bach a German composer and organist (b.1685--d.1750).
Karl Marx a German political philosopher and economist who founded modern socialism (b.1818--d.1883).
Kristallnacht the night of November 9, 1938, also known as the "night of broken glass," during which Nazis in Germany, Austria, and other German-occupied regions of central Europe carried out countless acts of violence against Jews and Jewish property, particularly centering on the destruction and ruination of synagogues and Jewish-owned businesses.
kuchen a German coffee cake made with yeast dough and usu. containing fruits, nuts, and the like.
landgrave a medieval German count having jurisdiction over a large territory. [2 definitions]