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landgrave a medieval German count having jurisdiction over a large territory. [2 definitions]
Lebensraum space for living (German); additional land or territory desired by a nation for its political and economic expansion.
lied a German ballad or art song.
Low German a subbranch of Germanic, other than High German, that includes English, Dutch, Flemish, and Frisian. (Cf. High German.) [1/2 definitions]
Ludwig van Beethoven German composer of European classical music (b.1770--d.1827).
margrave the military governor of a medieval German border province.
Martin Luther a German theologian and leader of the Protestant Reformation in Germany (b.1483--d.1546).
measles any of several similar but milder diseases, such as German measles. [1/2 definitions]
Meistersinger a member of a medieval German guild organized for the cultivation of music and poetry.
mensch human being (German, Yiddish); a kind, reliable, compassionate person.
Middle High German the German language as it was spoken and written in central and southern Germany between 1100 A.D. and 1500 A.D.
Middle Low German the German language as it was spoken and written in northern Germany from the eleventh to the fifteenth century.
minnesinger a German lyric poet or troubadour of the late Middle Ages.
Nazi a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party which controlled Germany under Hitler from 1933 to 1945. [1/3 definitions]
New High German the High German language since the sixteenth century.
Old High German the German language as spoken and written in central and southern Germany between the eighth and twelfth centuries.
Old Low German the German language as spoken and written in northern Germany before the twelfth century.
Old Saxon a Low German dialect prior to the twelfth century.
Pennsylvania Dutch the descendants of German and Swiss immigrants who settled in Pennsylvania in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. [2/3 definitions]
Pietist a member of a German movement of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries that stressed personal piety over orthodox devotion in seeking to change certain formalities within the Lutheran Church.
Plattdeutsch the informal German dialect spoken in northern Germany; Low German.