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chink2 to make or cause to make a sharp, chimelike sound, as of two pieces of metal or glass striking together. [1/2 definitions]
clinical thermometer a small glass thermometer used to measure body temperature.
cloche a bell-shaped glass top for covering plants. [1/2 definitions]
coaster a disk or small dish for placing under a glass to keep moisture off a table. [1/4 definitions]
cold frame an unheated box, usu. with a glass top, used outdoors for protecting plants from the cold.
crackle to produce a pattern of thin cracks on a surface, as thin ice or glass, or esp. as a ceramic glaze. [1/9 definitions]
crown glass a very clear optical glass with low refraction. [2 definitions]
cruet a small glass bottle, usu. having a stopper, made to hold condiments such as vinegar at the table.
crystal glass or glassware of exceptional quality and brilliance. [1/7 definitions]
crystal ball a globe of glass or quartz crystal used by fortune-tellers to foretell events in the future.
crystal gazing the practice of studying and interpreting images of future events, supposed to appear in a ball of polished glass or crystal.
cut glass glass that is shaped or decorated by cutting, incising, or grinding.
deadlight a thick glass window set in a ship's hull or deck. [1/3 definitions]
decal a design or picture transferred or made to be transferred from specially prepared paper to glass, metal, wood, or the like.
decanter a stoppered, decorative glass bottle for serving wine, brandy, or the like.
demijohn a large, narrow-necked glass or earthenware bottle that is enclosed in wickerwork.
devitrify to treat (glass or the like) so as to make opaque, brittle, and crystalline. [1/2 definitions]
diffraction grating a set of equidistant parallel lines or grooves made very close together on glass or polished metal, used to diffract light and produce a spectrum.
drink a certain quantity of an alcoholic beverage, esp. that contained in a standard-sized glass or bottle. [1/12 definitions]
Dumet wire a particular type of wire, made of a combination of iron and nickel encased in a copper sleeve, used to create vacuum seals between glass and metal in items such as incandescent light bulbs.
enamel a glossy, usu. opaque coating fused by heat to metal, glass, pottery, or other surfaces for protection or decoration, or objects so coated. [1/5 definitions]