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enamel a smooth, shiny coating baked onto metal, glass, or pottery. Enamel is used for protection or decoration. [1/4 definitions]
etch to create a picture, design or lettering on a hard surface such as glass or metal by removing parts of the surface with acid.
eyedropper a small glass or plastic tube used to apply drops of medicine, especially to the eyes.
eyeglass (pl.) two glass or plastic lenses in a frame that has a bridge resting on the nose and extensions hooked around the ears, used to correct defective vision; glasses; spectacles. [3/4 definitions]
eyeglasses round pieces of special glass or plastic held in a frame and worn on the face. Eyeglasses help people see better.
ferrous oxide a powdery black compound of iron used in making steel, a type of glass, and enamels.
fiberglass fine threads of glass made into a building material. Fiberglass can be made into insulation for buildings, or it can be molded into a strong solid used in making parts of boats, cars, furniture, and other things.
fiber optics a method of transmitting light through fine transparent flexible strands, usu. of glass or plastic.
finespun spun or drawn out to a fine thread, as fabric or glass; delicate. [1/2 definitions]
fishbowl a clear glass or plastic bowl or other small container designed to hold pet fish. [1/2 definitions]
flask a broad, flat metal or glass bottle designed to be carried in the pocket and usu. used to hold liquor. [1/2 definitions]
flint glass a bright fusible optical glass that contains lead oxide and is used for lenses and crystal.
float a piece of cork or a hollow plastic or glass object used to support a net or fishing line. [1/14 definitions]
fluorescent lamp a glass tube with a fluorescent coating on the inside that gives off light when the mercury vapor in the tube is bombarded with a stream of electrons.
foil2 the metal backing that transforms a piece of glass into a mirror. [1/7 definitions]
foliation the act or process of covering the back of (glass) with foil to produce a mirror. [1/6 definitions]
found3 to melt and pour (metal or glass) into a mold. [2 definitions]
founder3 one who founds metal or glass.
French door one of a pair of doors with glass panes from top to bottom and hinged on opposite sides of a doorway so that they open out from the center.
French window a window, usu. one of a pair, that resembles a French door, having small panes of glass and usu. extending to the floor. [1/2 definitions]
frit to fuse (materials) as a step in making glass, ceramics, or the like. [1/2 definitions]