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El Dorado a legendary South American destination of early Spanish explorers seeking gold and riches. [1/2 definitions]
electrum a yellow alloy of gold and silver.
elixir a substance believed by alchemists or others to be capable of changing base metals into gold, or of prolonging life. [1/4 definitions]
fiat currency paper currency that is dependent for its value on a government fiat or decree, and cannot be exchanged for gold or silver.
fiat money paper currency that is dependent for its value on a government fiat or decree, and cannot be exchanged for gold or silver.
florin any of several gold or silver coins formerly in circulation in Europe and South Africa. [1/3 definitions]
fool's gold iron or copper pyrite, sometimes mistaken for gold because of its color.
forty-niner one who joined the California gold rush in 1849.
free gold gold of the U.S. treasury whose use is not restricted to the redemption of gold certificates. [2 definitions]
gild to cover or coat with gold. [1/2 definitions]
gilt1 coated with or as if with gold; gilded. [3/4 definitions]
gilt-edged having edges coated with or as if with gold. [1/2 definitions]
gold any alloy containing gold metal, used in making coins, jewelry, and a variety of implements. [7/11 definitions]
gold bug any of several North American beetles having a shiny or gold luster. [2 definitions]
gold certificate a certificate or note representing a share of the U.S. gold reserve, formerly issued to and redeemable by the public, but now issued only to Federal Reserve Banks.
gold digger a person who digs for or mines gold. [1/2 definitions]
gold dust gold in the form of fine particles or a powder.
golden made of gold. [1/3 definitions]
golden calf according to the Old Testament, a gold statue of a calf that the Israelites worshiped while Moses was on Mount Sinai. [1/2 definitions]
gold-filled made of a base metal with an outer layer of gold.
gold foil gold that has been beaten into thin sheets, slightly thicker than gold leaf.