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boulangerie (French) a bakery that specializes in bread, rolls, and other plain baked goods.
bulk goods or cargo not packaged in small units. [1/7 definitions]
business the activity or profession of buying and/or selling goods or services. [1/9 definitions]
buy to be a purchaser of goods and services. [1/7 definitions]
buyer an agent who chooses and purchases goods for a store. [1/2 definitions]
buyer's market a market or economy in which prices are relatively low because of an abundance of goods or services. (Cf. seller's market.)
camp follower a civilian, esp. a prostitute, who follows an army from place to place in order to sell goods or services to the soldiers. [1/2 definitions]
canteen a small establishment, in a camp or workplace, that sells food, drink, and some hard goods such as grooming or cosmetic supplies. [1/3 definitions]
cargo the goods carried by a ship, airplane, or other vehicle; freight.
carrier a support on or in a vehicle, for carrying goods. [1/6 definitions]
cart a heavy, two-wheeled, open vehicle drawn by horse, mule, or oxen and used to transport goods. [2/6 definitions]
cartage the conveyance of goods by cart. [2 definitions]
cash-and-carry sold for cash only and without delivery or other services, as goods, or selling only in this way, as a store.
chandler a merchant of various supplies and dry goods, often for a ship. [1/2 definitions]
clearance a special offering of goods at reduced prices, to make space for new goods; clearance sale. [1/4 definitions]
closeout a sale of goods at low prices because the store is closing or because the line of goods will be discontinued.
closet a cabinet or small room for storage, as of clothing or household goods. [1/3 definitions]
collect on delivery a method of ordering or shipping goods in which payment is made, usu. in cash, when the goods are delivered; c.o.d. [2 definitions]
commandeer to force (a civilian) into, or seize (goods) for, the military. [1/2 definitions]
commerce the exchange of goods or services for money; business transactions. [1/2 definitions]
commissary a store that sells food and other goods, esp. at a military post or work camp. [1/2 definitions]