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Europe this continent, excluding the islands of Great Britain and Ireland. [1/2 definitions]
G.B. abbreviation of "Great Britain," the main island of the United Kingdom, off the coast of France, occupied by England, Scotland, and Wales, and including some adjacent islands. (Cf. United Kingdom.)
Great Britain the Kingdom of Great Britain, formed in 1707 by uniting the kingdoms of England and Scotland. The Kingdom of Great Britain was later united with the Kingdom of Ireland in 1801 to become the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. This political unit no longer exists. [1/2 definitions]
Hanover a member of Great Britain's ruling family in 1714-1901, or the name of the family itself.
home office (cap.) the branch of government in Great Britain that handles domestic matters. [1/2 definitions]
hundredweight a unit of weight equal to one hundred pounds or 45.359 kilograms in the United States and 112 pounds or 50.8 kilograms in Great Britain and Canada.
Ireland an island west of Great Britain. [1/2 definitions]
John Adams the second President of the United States (1797-1801), who had been a strong advocate of American independence from Great Britain as well as one of the authors of the Declaration of Independence. President Adams was also the first U.S. Vice President under his predecessor George Washington (b.1735--d.1826).
Labourite a member or supporter of the Labour party in Great Britain.
Labour party a political party in Great Britain that supports the interests of labor and advocates social reforms.
lordship (often cap.) a title used in speaking to or referring to a lord, or, in Great Britain, to a judge (usu. prec. by "your" or "his"). [1/2 definitions]
mid-Victorian pertaining to, characteristic of, or taking place during the middle period of Queen Victoria's reign in Great Britain. [1/3 definitions]
mod of or relating to an unconventional style of dress in the 1960s in Great Britain, involving bold modern designs such as miniskirts. [1/3 definitions]
Munich Pact an agreement made in 1938 by Great Britain, France, and Italy to allow Germany to annex part of Czechoslovakia.
music hall in Great Britain, a theater for vaudeville shows. [1/2 definitions]
Northman a member of one of the ancient Scandinavian peoples, esp. those who explored and colonized Great Britain, Ireland, parts of Europe, and probably the New World; Norseman.
Pict one of an ancient people of Great Britain who were driven into Scotland by the Britons and Romans.
privy seal in Great Britain, an official seal placed on government documents.
Queen Victoria the queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 1837 to 1901 (b.1819--d.1901).
Revolutionary War the war of 1775-83 in which the American colonies won their independence from Great Britain; American Revolution.
Scot a member of the Gaelic people that migrated from Ireland to the northern part of Great Britain in the early Middle Ages. [1/2 definitions]