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Anglophile one who is a great admirer of England and of most things that are English.
anguished feeling or showing great suffering or pain.
ant bear a large, toothless, ant-eating mammal with a long snout, a sticky, extendable tongue, and a long shaggy tail; great anteater. [1/2 definitions]
aplomb great self-confidence, composure, or poise.
aquifer a bed of rock, sand, or gravel that can hold great quantities of water and supplies it to wells and springs.
arduous entailing great difficulty, exertion, or endurance; laborious. [2/3 definitions]
army a great number of people or things. [1/3 definitions]
army ant any of various carnivorous, mostly tropical ants that travel about in great numbers.
armyworm any of various caterpillars that travel about in great numbers, usu. inflicting heavy damage on crops and grass.
astonish to fill, suddenly, with great surprise or amazement.
at length for a long time; in great detail. [1/2 definitions]
audiophile someone with a great interest in high-fidelity sound reproduction.
august of great majesty or dignity; venerable.
aversion great dislike or disgust; repugnance (usu. fol. by "to"). [1/2 definitions]
avid characterized by great enthusiasm or zeal. [2 definitions]
awe-inspiring capable of producing great respect, admiration, or humility in others.
backbencher a junior legislator, esp. in Great Britain's House of Commons, who is not one of his or her party's leaders.
badly very much; to a great degree. [1/4 definitions]
bagful a great or considerable amount. [1/2 definitions]
bane something or someone that causes ruin or great trouble. [1/2 definitions]
bark beetle a small weevil, the adults and larvae of which burrow under the bark of conifers and other trees to feed on the inner bark, often causing great damage.