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bark beetle a small weevil, the adults and larvae of which burrow under the bark of conifers and other trees to feed on the inner bark, often causing great damage.
baron a member of the hereditary nobility. In Great Britain, a baron is a nobleman of the lowest rank; peer. [1/2 definitions]
barrage a great number of things coming one after another very quickly.
battle cruiser a warship of great speed and firepower, with lighter armor than that of a battleship.
beatific characterized by or exhibiting great contentment, peace, or joy; blissful. [1/2 definitions]
beau a man whose dress and etiquette reflect great concern for style; dandy; fop. [1/2 definitions]
beehive a place of great activity. [1/2 definitions]
believe to have great confidence (in the ability, integrity, justness, or power of a person or thing). [1/6 definitions]
bend over backward to try very hard; make a great effort.
bend over backwards to try very hard; make a great effort.
Ben Nevis the highest mountain peak in Great Britain (elevation, 4,406 feet, or 1,344 meters), located in the Grampian Mountains of western Scotland. [1/2 definitions]
be over to be finished; to have reached a conclusion (sometimes used to indicate great finality or that all efforts to change the conclusion are useless).
bewail to mourn or express great sorrow for; wail or cry over; lament. [2 definitions]
beyond that which is at a great distance in space or time. [1/6 definitions]
big important or of great concern. [1/3 definitions]
blast (informal) a party or great time. [1/12 definitions]
bliss very great happiness.
bloater a freshwater trout or whitefish of the Great Lakes. [1/2 definitions]
blockbuster a person or thing of great force and overwhelming power. [1/2 definitions]
bloodbath (informal) a period or instance of great loss, failure, or disappointment. [1/2 definitions]
blowhard one who talks and boasts about oneself a great deal.