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bok choy a cabbagelike Asian plant, related to mustard, with crisp green leaves on white stalks. [1/2 definitions]
broccoli a cultivated subspecies of the cabbage, or the green flower buds and flowering stalk of this plant used for food.
Brussels sprout a green vegetable resembling a small head of cabbage that grows among other heads along a tall stalk of a plant. [1/2 definitions]
Brussels sprouts the small green edible heads that grow on the stem of a plant that is a type of cabbage. [1/2 definitions]
bush bean a low-growing variety of the green bean.
cabbage a vegetable with large green or purple leaves that overlap tightly to form a round head. [1/3 definitions]
cabbage butterfly any of several common white butterflies, the green larvae of which feed on cabbage and related plants.
Caesar salad a green salad topped with grated cheese, croutons, and anchovies and a dressing of olive oil, egg, lemon juice, and garlic.
calyx the outermost part of a flower, composed of usu. green sepals. [1/2 definitions]
capsicum any of numerous pepper plants related to nightshade that bear fleshy green, yellow, or red edible pods in many varieties from mild to hot. [1/2 definitions]
carotene a reddish orange hydrocarbon pigment produced in orange, yellow, and dark green plant parts, and required in human nutrition as a source of vitamin A.
chartreuse a yellowish green color. [2 definitions]
chip shot a short golf shot, used in approaching the green, in which the ball is lofted and rolls some distance after landing.
chlor- green. [1/2 definitions]
chlorella any of various fresh-water, single-celled green algae.
chlorine a chemical element of the halogen group that has seventeen protons in each nucleus, occurs naturally only in compounds such as sodium chloride and chloroform, and can be isolated in pure form as a toxic yellow-green gas. (symbol: Cl) [1/2 definitions]
chlorite1 a green silicate mineral that occurs in platelike crystals.
chlorophyll the green pigment in the leaves and stems of plants that is necessary for the production of plant food by photosynthesis.
chloroplast a small oval green bit of protoplasm that contains chlorophyll and is the location of photosynthesis.
chlorosis an abnormal yellowing or color loss in green plant tissue because of insufficient light or nutrition, genetic disorder, or disease that results in deficient chlorophyll production. [1/2 definitions]
citronella a bluish green grass of southern Asia from which a fragrant oil is obtained. [1/2 definitions]