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citronella a bluish green grass of southern Asia from which a fragrant oil is obtained. [1/2 definitions]
complementary colors two colors of the spectrum, such as green and red, that produce a white or near-white when mixed in the right proportion.
cool of a color, with a predominantly blue or green cast. [1/15 definitions]
courgette (chiefly British) a cucumber-shaped vegetable with a smooth, dark green rind; a zucchini.
crème de menthe a sweet, mint-flavored liqueur, usu. green or colorless.
cucumber an edible fruit of a creeping vine, usu. long and cylindrical with a hard green skin and greenish white flesh. [1/2 definitions]
cup in golf, the hole on the green into which one tries to putt the ball. [1/7 definitions]
dieffenbachia any of various poisonous tropical plants, grown as houseplants, characterized by fleshy jointed stems and large dark green leaves with white spots.
dolma a dish consisting of a vegetable such as a green pepper or grape or cabbage leaf, stuffed with rice, ground meat, and spices, and cooked.
earth tone any of the muted colors found in nature, such as beige, gray, or moss green.
emerald a gemstone of brilliant, transparent, dark green beryl. [2 definitions]
ensile to store (green fodder) in or as in a silo.
euglena any of various freshwater flagellates of the genus Euglena, characterized by a single flagellum, light-sensitive eyespot, and usually bright green coloring.
euphotic of or characterizing the upper layer of a body of water that receives enough sunlight to allow the growth of green plants.
evergreen of trees, shrubs, and the like, having leaves that remain green throughout the year. (Cf. deciduous.) [1/3 definitions]
fairway the stretch of mowed grass between the tee and the green on each hole of a golf course. [1/2 definitions]
fern any of several flowerless, seedless plants having green, feathery leaves.
figwort any of various woodland plants that bear loose, branched clusters of small green or purple flowers. [1/2 definitions]
folacin a compound found in leafy green vegetables, essential in human nutrition for the production of blood cells, amino acids, and nucleic acids, and considered to be part of the vitamin B complex.
folate a water-soluble B vitamin, found in leafy green vegetables, nuts, and legumes, that is essential for the production of blood cells, amino acids, and nucleic acids; also known as folacin, folic acid, and vitamin B9.
gage3 any of several types of plum, usu. having a light green skin.