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power (often pl.) divine guidance or authority. [1/9 definitions]
providence divine guidance, care, or direction. [1/3 definitions]
providential of, relating to, or seeming to result from divine guidance or intervention; fortunate or lucky.
reach out to offer help or guidance. [1/4 definitions]
rein a means of restraint, control, or guidance. [1/5 definitions]
religion a set of beliefs concerned with explaining the origins and purposes of the universe, usu. involving belief in a supernatural creator and offering guidance in ethics and morals. [1/4 definitions]
seat-of-the-pants (informal) of the act of operating an aircraft, done without the guidance of instruments. [1/2 definitions]
stubborn unreasonably resistant to change, influence, guidance, control, or the like; obstinate; willful. [1/3 definitions]
throw weight the payload, or carrying capacity, of a ballistic missile, including the weight of its warheads and guidance systems.
transcendentalism (sometimes pl.) any of several philosophies based on the belief that reality can be known only through intuition, spiritual guidance, or the study of the processes of thought, and not through sensory or objective experience.
troop a group of Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts under the guidance of an adult leader. [1/7 definitions]
vocational of or relating to education or guidance in a given career or occupation. [1/2 definitions]