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crop a whip handle, or the short riding whip used on horses. [1/12 definitions]
doorknob a rounded handle or knob used to open and close a door.
dustpan a shovel-shaped pan with a handle into which dust is swept for disposal.
escutcheon a decorative or protective plate around a door handle, keyhole, light switch, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
favor to handle gently or treat with care. [1/11 definitions]
ferrule a metal ring, cap, or sleeve put around the end of a pole, shaft, handle, or the like to reinforce, prevent splitting, or provide a strong connection. [1/3 definitions]
finger to touch or handle something lightly or idly with the fingers. [1/8 definitions]
flagon a vessel for serving liquids that has a handle, a spout, and often a top or hinged lid. [1/2 definitions]
flail a manual implement used to thresh grain, consisting of a long handle with a short, freely moving bar attached at one end. [1/6 definitions]
fly swatter a device for killing insects, particularly flies, consisting of a flat rectangular mesh attached to a long handle.
fool to handle something idly or carelessly (usu. fol. by "with"). [1/11 definitions]
froe a cleaving tool with the blade set at right angles to the handle.
frying pan a shallow pan with a long handle, used for frying food.
fumble to handle clumsily; make a mess of. [1/6 definitions]
gaff a metal hook with a handle, used to land large fish. [1/6 definitions]
gimlet a tool used to make holes, consisting of a shaft with a sharp, spiral tip attached to a handle at a right angle. [1/3 definitions]
grind to operate by turning a handle or crank. [1/12 definitions]
grip a part that can be grasped or held; handle. [1/14 definitions]
gunstock the handle of a rifle or shotgun.
haft a handle or hilt, as of a weapon or cutting tool. [2 definitions]
hammer a hand tool having a solid, heavy head set across a handle and used to pound, indent, or beat metal, nails, or the like into shape or place, or any similar device. [1/14 definitions]