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oppressive harsh, brutal, or cruel. [1/2 definitions]
Prussian considered to be extremely devoted to militarism, harsh discipline, and the like. [1/4 definitions]
qualify to make less harsh or extreme; moderate. [1/8 definitions]
ragged harsh; raspy. [1/5 definitions]
rail2 to denounce someone or something in harsh or abusive terms; condemn (usu. fol. by "against" or "at").
raspy rough and grating; harsh.
rating2 a harsh scolding.
raw extremely harsh; unfair. [1/8 definitions]
relax to make (rules, guidelines, or the like) less harsh or strict. [2/9 definitions]
rigor a particular severe, harsh, or cruel act or circumstance. [1/6 definitions]
rigorous harsh or severe. [1/3 definitions]
roast (informal) harsh criticism, often as a joke. [1/12 definitions]
rude harsh or rough. [1/5 definitions]
run the gauntlet to expose oneself to harsh criticism or attacks by multiple people, especially by being forced to proceed through two lines of attackers.
scalding harsh or scathing, as criticism. [1/2 definitions]
scold to speak to someone with angry disapproval; use harsh language. [1/3 definitions]
scrape to produce harsh grating noises by drawing something hard across a surface or the like. [1/13 definitions]
screamer any of several large aquatic South American birds that have long toes and a harsh resounding call. [1/3 definitions]
screech to make a harsh, shrill, grating cry or sound. [2/3 definitions]
screech owl any of various small American owls that have hornlike ear tufts and a harsh screeching cry.
severe extremely strict; harsh; rigid. [1/4 definitions]