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Dictionary Suite
mower one that mows, esp. a machine for mowing grass, hay, or the like.
pitchfork a long, sharp, fork-shaped tool for moving hay, straw, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
redtop a grass with reddish flower clusters that is grown for hay, pasturage, and lawns.
rick a large, outdoor pile or stack of hay, straw, or the like, esp. when thatched or covered with a tarp. [2 definitions]
rose fever a form of hay fever that occurs in spring or early summer as an allergic reaction to rose pollen.
sacaton a grass grown in semiarid regions, such as Mexico and the southwestern United States, for hay or pasture.
spontaneous combustion the ignition of a substance or material, such as oily cloths or wet hay, caused by the rapid increase of heat from chemical reactions in the substance.
stack a large conical or rectangular heap of hay, straw, or grain. [1/9 definitions]
Sudan grass a tall, annual sorghum grass grown for pasture and hay.
windrow a row of hay or grain raked together to dry before being stacked. [1/3 definitions]