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himself his normal, healthy, sane state or condition. [1/4 definitions]
homeopathy treatment of a disease with small doses of a drug that would, if taken in larger amounts, produce in a healthy individual symptoms like those of the disease. (Cf. allopathy.)
insanitary not sanitary or healthy; unsanitary.
lusty exceptionally healthy and vigorous; robust. [1/3 definitions]
mend to be restored to a healthy condition or to regain one's health; improve or heal. [1/4 definitions]
normal without mental or emotional disorders; psychologically healthy or average. [1/4 definitions]
overeat to eat more than a comfortable, proper, or healthy amount.
overweight weighing more than is ideal or healthy, or more than is allowed by some regulation; excessively heavy. [1/4 definitions]
overwork to work more than is reasonable or healthy. [2/4 definitions]
restore to make healthy, sound, or vigorous. [1/5 definitions]
right in good mental, psychological, or physical condition; healthy. [1/28 definitions]
robust physically strong, healthy, and energetic. [1/6 definitions]
rosy having a healthy, cheerful glow. [1/4 definitions]
ruddy having a healthy-looking, rosy complexion. [1/2 definitions]
salubrious favorable to good health; healthy; wholesome.
sane having a mind that is healthy and rational. [1/2 definitions]
sickly often sick; not strong or healthy. [1/5 definitions]
SIDS acronym of "sudden infant death syndrome," the unexpected death of a seemingly healthy infant, usu. occurring within the first year of life, and usu. occurring in the infant's sleep; crib death.
sleek healthy and well-fed. [1/4 definitions]
sound2 free of defect, decay, or injury; healthy or in good condition. [1/6 definitions]
sudden infant death syndrome the unexpected death of a seemingly healthy infant, usu. occurring within the first year of life, and usu. occurring in the infant's sleep; crib death.