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gimmick a hidden trick or scheme, often used to deceive. [1/3 definitions]
hideaway capable of being hidden, as a bed that folds into a wall or piece of furniture. [1/3 definitions]
hoard a collection or supply of something that is hidden, stored, or guarded, as for use at a later time or to keep it from being stolen; cache. [1/3 definitions]
ill-concealed poorly-hidden, or intentionally allowed to be visible or ascertainable.
inner not apparent or obvious; hidden. [1/4 definitions]
invisible not in sight; hidden from view. [1/5 definitions]
keep under wraps to keep secret or hidden.
kicker a hidden difficulty; pitfall. [1/3 definitions]
lurk to be hidden, esp. so as to ambush; lie in wait. [1/3 definitions]
mine2 an explosive device hidden in ground or water and detonated by such means as contact, pressure, or a time fuse. [1/9 definitions]
mine detector a device used for finding hidden explosive mines.
mystic having hidden or spiritually symbolic meaning. [1/5 definitions]
occult hidden or concealed from view. [1/8 definitions]
occultation the act of becoming or the state of being hidden from view. [1/2 definitions]
onto aware of, as another's hidden motives. [1/2 definitions]
oubliette a hidden dungeon entered only through a trap door in the ceiling, as found in certain old castles.
penetrate to see through, perceive, or understand (something hidden or complicated). [1/7 definitions]
pitfall an unexpected or hidden danger. [1/2 definitions]
private hidden from view, or preventing persons or things to be viewed or listened in on by other people. [1/11 definitions]
purdah the Muslim or Hindu practice of keeping women hidden from men outside their own family. [1/2 definitions]
recess (pl.) hidden places. [1/5 definitions]