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Meiji Restoration a period in Japanese history that is characterized by the downfall of feudalism and the opening of Japan to trade and diplomatic relations with the West.
Middle Ages the period of European history between antiquity and the Renaissance, from 500 A.D. to about 1500 A.D.
milestone an important event or turning point in history or in a person's life. [1/2 definitions]
musicology the scholarly study of music theory and history.
myth a story or body of stories based on tradition or legend, originating in the oral history of a preliterate society and incorporating its beliefs about the origins of the world, the causes of natural events, and the origins of the society's customs and practices. [1/4 definitions]
nation a people living in the same geographic region and having a common history, language, and culture. [1/3 definitions]
nationality a people living in the same geographic region and having a common history, language, and culture. [1/4 definitions]
onomastics (used with a sing. verb) the study of the origins, history, and forms of proper names. [1/2 definitions]
pageant a public spectacle with much colorful display, often celebrating and commemorating events of history or legend and presenting scenes from these. [1/2 definitions]
pantheon the illustrious persons of a people's history, collectively. [1/4 definitions]
past history, as of a nation. [1/16 definitions]
periodization the dividing of history into chronological periods.
prehistoric of, pertaining to, or existing in a time prior to written history.
race2 a group of people who share a history and distinctive culture, esp. characterized by a common language and religion. [1/5 definitions]
reconstruction (cap.) in U.S. history, the period immediately following the Civil War. [1/2 definitions]
recount to tell a history of events; relate; narrate. [1/2 definitions]
reeve1 in British history, a local chief administrator appointed by the king; bailiff. [1/3 definitions]
renaissance (cap.) this period in European history, which marks the end of the medieval period and the beginning of the modern period (prec. by "the"). [1/5 definitions]
résumé a brief but detailed account of someone's personal, professional, and educational history, usu. as submitted with a job application. [1/2 definitions]
revisionism any doctrine or view of history that departs from a longstanding or widely accepted doctrine or view, esp. from orthodox Marxism, or that advocates practices that depart from it.
Sinology the study of Chinese language, culture, history, and the like.