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chest of drawers a large piece of furniture that has several drawers and is usu. set in a bedroom to hold clothing; dresser.
chock to furnish or hold steady with a chock or chocks. [1/3 definitions]
circuit the area or region covered in a regular tour to carry out certain duties, as by a judge to hold court sessions. [1/8 definitions]
circuit court a court that can hold sessions in different locations in a judicial district. [1/2 definitions]
clamp an apparatus consisting of two movable opposing surfaces, often connected by a large screw or screws and used to hold two or more objects together. [2/4 definitions]
clench to hold in a tight grip. [2/5 definitions]
cling to hold onto someone or something tightly. [1/3 definitions]
clip2 to hold together or attach by means of a clip. [1/5 definitions]
clutch1 to keep in a firm grasp; hold tightly; grip. [1/9 definitions]
coffer a large chest, esp. one used to hold money, jewels, or the like; strongbox. [1/3 definitions]
cohere to lump, hold, or stick together. [1/2 definitions]
collet a chuck with a conical end that is used to hold cylindrical pieces in a lathe. [1/2 definitions]
comb a thin, toothed implement used to untangle, style, or hold hair. [2/9 definitions]
compelling exerting a strong hold on the attention. [1/2 definitions]
confer to deliberate together; hold a discussion. [1/2 definitions]
consider to hold in esteem; regard highly. [1/7 definitions]
constrain to hold back; restrain. [1/3 definitions]
contain to hold or have within. [3/4 definitions]
control to hold within limits; restrain. [1/9 definitions]
cornet a cone-shaped wafer or pastry, used to hold ice cream or the like. [1/2 definitions]
cradle any device resembling a cradle or functioning similarly, as to hold or hold and rock something. [2/6 definitions]