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chimney a hollow, vertical structure of masonry, which allows smoke and gases to escape from a furnace, fireplace, or stove; flue. [1/2 definitions]
cinder block a partly hollow building block made of concrete and cinders.
cirque a circular basin or hollow in an upper end of a mountain valley sometimes containing a pond.
clop a sharp, hollow striking sound, as of a horse's hoof on pavement. [1/2 definitions]
concavity a concave thing or part; hollow. [1/2 definitions]
condyle a rounded projection on the end of one bone that fits into a hollow at the facing end of the next bone, forming a ball-and-socket joint.
corncob pipe a tobacco pipe with a bowl made of a hollow, dried corncob.
culm2 the jointed, usu. hollow stem of various grasses.
dent1 a hollow or depression made in a surface by or as if by pressure or a blow. [1/3 definitions]
dimple a small natural hollow in the skin, esp. one that forms in the cheeks during a smile. [1/4 definitions]
diverticulitis painful inflammation of a sac that branches off from a hollow organ, esp. the intestine.
drum any of various hollow musical percussion instruments consisting of a cylindrical body covered at one or both ends by a tight membrane, and played by beating with sticks or the hands. [1/10 definitions]
endoscope a long, slender, tubular optical instrument inserted into an inner, hollow body part, such as the lungs or bowel, esp. for examination, diagnosis, or surgical treatment.
fang a long pointed tooth, such as the canine tooth of carnivorous animals or the hollow, grooved tooth by which a venomous snake injects its poison. [1/3 definitions]
feather one of the structures forming the plumage of birds, consisting of a hollow, tapering, horny shaft growing from the skin and bearing a web of slender, parallel, interlocked barbs on either side. [1/12 definitions]
float a piece of cork or a hollow plastic or glass object used to support a net or fishing line. [2/14 definitions]
fortune cookie a hollow Chinese cookie made from a folded circle of thin dough, containing a slip of paper with a proverb, prediction, or the like.
fovea a small pit, hollow, or depression in a bone or organ.
geode a hollow, usu. globular stone, the cavity of which is lined with crystals.
goat any of various agile four-legged animals that produce milk, having hollow horns with a backward curve, rough and usu. straight hair, and a short tail. [1/5 definitions]
groin the hollow of the joint between the thigh and the abdomen, including the external genitalia. [1/4 definitions]