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Dictionary Suite
noisemaker someone or something that makes noise, esp. a rattle, horn, or other device used at a party or celebration.
powder horn a container made from a cow's or an ox's horn, used to carry gunpowder.
toot to make a quick, short sound on a horn or whistle. [4/5 definitions]
tootle to toot lightly and repeatedly on a flute or horn. [1/2 definitions]
unicorn a mythical animal having the body of a horse and a single horn projecting from its forehead.
wah-wah an instrumental effect produced by closing and opening the bell of a horn with the hand or a hand-held mute. [1/2 definitions]
Western saddle a heavy saddle, similar to that used by cowboys, that has a deep seat, a high cantle and pommel, and a horn projecting above the pommel.