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brothel a house where people work as prostitutes.
brownstone a house built of or faced with this stone, esp. an urban rowhouse. [1/2 definitions]
Bundestag the lower house of the federal assembly of Germany, whose members are chosen by popular election.
bungalow a small, cozy house; cottage.
carport a roofed, wall-less shelter for an automobile, usu. attached to a house or other building.
casino a small Italian country house. [1/3 definitions]
chalet a house common in the Swiss Alps, having balconies, and wide eaves. [1/3 definitions]
chore a routine task, esp. around the house or yard. [1/2 definitions]
cliff dweller (informal) a person who lives in a many-storied urban apartment house. [1/2 definitions]
conference committee in the U.S. Congress, a temporary panel assembled from members of both the Senate and House of Representatives to resolve differences between two versions of a particular bill and create a compromise version.
congress (cap.) the legislative branch of the U.S. government, comprising the Senate and the House of Representatives. [2/7 definitions]
Congressional district in U.S. government, any of a state's districts that elect one representative to the national House of Representatives of Congress.
congressman (often cap.) a male member of the U.S. House of Representatives.
congresswoman (often cap.) a female member of the U.S. House of Representatives.
cooperative an apartment house in which the tenants own their individual apartments. [1/4 definitions]
correlative in grammar, of or denoting a construction or paired words that indicate alternatives or reciprocal, mutual, or parallel relations, such as "either" and "or" in "He'll come either today or tomorrow" and "both" and "and" in "Both the house and the garage caught fire." [1/4 definitions]
cupola a small structure with a separate, usu. domed roof that projects upward from a building and is often used to house a bell, light, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
dacha in Russia, a country house.
Dail Eireann the lower house of parliament in the Republic of Ireland.
debenture a certificate issued by a custom house authorizing the refund of tariffs paid on imported goods that are re-exported. [1/2 definitions]
deck an open, usually wooden, platform, attached to the outside of a house or other building, typically used for dining or relaxing. [1/6 definitions]