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deck an open, usually wooden, platform, attached to the outside of a house or other building, typically used for dining or relaxing. [1/6 definitions]
demesne the grounds surrounding and attached to a country house or mansion. [1/5 definitions]
discount store see "discount house."
doghouse a dog shelter, usu. built to resemble a house.
dollhouse a toy house made to a very small scale.
door the building, house, or room to which a door is attached. [1/5 definitions]
doorbell a bell, buzzer, or other signal at an outside door, as of a house or apartment, sounded to gain admission.
doorman one whose job is to tend the entrance of an apartment house, hotel, or other building, and to assist residents or guests.
dooryard a yard at the door of a house.
do over (informal) to renovate (a room, a house, furnishings, or the like), or to decorate again. [1/2 definitions]
dress circle the first tier of seats above the ground floor in an opera house, theater, or the like.
driveway a private road that provides access from a street to a building such as a house or garage.
dump (informal) a house, town, or other place that is dirty, run-down, or despised. [1/10 definitions]
duplex a house divided into two apartments. [1/3 definitions]
duplex house a house that has been divided into two separate living units.
dwelling a shelter used for long-term residence; abode; house.
editor in chief the editor who has the final authority to make policy decisions and supervises the other editors at a publishing house or on a specific publication.
English sparrow a small common brownish gray sparrow; house sparrow.
estate a landed property, usu. large and having a sizable house connected to it. [1/4 definitions]
Executive Mansion see "White House." [1/2 definitions]
farmhouse a house on a farm, usu. the one in which the farm owner or operator lives.