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light bulb an incandescent electric light, or the bulb-shaped glass housing that encloses its filament.
means test an inquiry into a person's financial status and economic resources, esp. to determine eligibility for unemployment compensation, welfare payments, low-cost housing, or the like.
monastery a community of persons, esp. monks, who have taken religious vows of austerity and seclusion, or the buildings used by such a community for housing and worship.
nacelle an enclosure on an aircraft for housing the engine, the cargo, or the crew and passengers. [1/2 definitions]
naos an ancient temple, or the inner part of such a temple, housing the statue of a deity.
outhouse an outbuilding, often a small shed housing an outdoor toilet; privy.
penthouse a structure on the roof of a building for housing machinery, storage tanks, tools, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
pound3 a shelter for confining or housing homeless animals. [1/3 definitions]
poundage2 the confinement or housing of animals in a pound. [1/2 definitions]
quartermaster in the military, an officer who arranges for and distributes food, housing, clothing, and other provisions. [1/2 definitions]
rotor the rotating part of a machine, usu. within a stationary part or housing. [1/2 definitions]
silo an underground housing of steel and concrete from which ballistic missiles can be fired. [1/3 definitions]
slum (often pl.) a crowded, dilapidated area of a city where poor people live in substandard housing. [1/2 definitions]
stator the stationary part of a motor, dynamo, turbine, or the like, usu. the housing of a rotor.
ticky-tacky (informal) cheap or shoddy material, esp. that used in the construction of housing. [1/2 definitions]
welfare state a social system in which the state assumes the responsibility for the welfare of its citizens in housing, medical care, employment, and the like.