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anthropoid of apes, resembling a human being, esp. in shape. [1/3 definitions]
anthropometry a branch of anthropology concerned with comparative measurements of the human body, among individuals or groups.
anthropomorphic similar in form to a human being. [2 definitions]
anthropomorphism the attribution of human qualities to a god, animal, or object.
anthropophagus a human who eats human flesh; cannibal.
anthropophagy the act of eating human flesh; cannibalism.
antiabortion opposed to the termination of human pregnancy by removal of the fetus before it is capable of surviving.
archaeologist a scientist who works in the field of archaeology, the study of past human life and culture.
archaeology the systematic and scientific study of past human life and culture using information gained from the analysis of their artifacts, such as pottery, tools, buildings, and the like.
areola in anatomy, a small ring of color, as around a human nipple. [1/2 definitions]
arginine an amino acid found in most proteins that is essential in the human diet.
arm1 either of the two upper limbs of the human body, between the shoulders and the wrists. [1/3 definitions]
artifact any object made by human beings, esp. one of an earlier era. [1/2 definitions]
artificial created by human beings. [1/3 definitions]
artificial intelligence research in and development of computer programs that imitate human thought processes such as reasoning or decision-making.
ascorbic acid an organic acid found in many foods, esp. citrus fruits, and required in human nutrition for the production of collagen; vitamin C.
ash1 (pl.) remains, esp. those of a cremated human being. [1/3 definitions]
assumption the taking up of a human being into heaven. [1/5 definitions]
astral pertaining to spiritual existence, esp. to a human being's existence outside of his or her body. [1/2 definitions]
astrology the study of the positions of the heavenly bodies in relation to each other with the aim of predicting their influence on human affairs.
Australoid (outdated; no longer in scientific use) of, pertaining to, or characteristic of members of a human racial group originating in Australia, the Pacific Islands, and areas of southern and central India, generally characterized by dark skin and dark curly hair. [1/2 definitions]