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settle a score to retaliate in response to a grievance or hurt.
slight an act of contempt or discourtesy, usu. intended to hurt. [1/8 definitions]
spite the malicious wish to hurt, bother, or humiliate someone. [1/3 definitions]
technical knockout in boxing, a victory won as a result of the opponent being so badly hurt that the referee declares the match over; TKO. (Cf. knockout.)
tender1 easily hurt when touched; acutely painful; sore; sensitive. [1/6 definitions]
thick-skinned not easily hurt or offended by criticism, insults, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
thin-skinned easily hurt or offended by criticism, insults, or the like; touchy. [1/2 definitions]
TKO abbreviation of "technical knockout," in boxing, a victory won as a result of the opponent being so badly hurt that the referee declares the match over.
tread to step on, trample, or otherwise harshly treat something and thus press, crush, or hurt it (usu. fol. by "on" or "upon"). [1/10 definitions]
twitch to hurt or ache suddenly or intermittently; twinge. [1/6 definitions]
unhurt combined form of hurt.
unscathed not hurt or harmed; completely uninjured.
vulnerable being capable of being hurt or injured; having weakness. [1/3 definitions]