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Dictionary Suite
ether a very volatile, flammable liquid compound of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen, used as a solvent and formerly as an anesthetic. [1/4 definitions]
ethyl chloride a gas that becomes a volatile flammable liquid under pressure, made from ethyl alcohol and hydrogen chloride and used as a solvent and local anesthetic and in the making of tetraethyl lead.
fat animal or plant substance that is composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, is greasy to the touch, and is white or yellowish in color. [1/10 definitions]
fluorocarbon any of various organic chemical compounds resulting from the substitution of fluorine for hydrogen in a hydrocarbon, used in refrigeration, lubrication, plastic and resin manufacture, as a fire extinguisher, and formerly as the propellant in aerosol cans.
formaldehyde a colorless, water-soluble gas of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen, with a strong, irritating odor, used in the manufacture of various resins, dyes, and plastics and as a disinfectant and embalming agent.
fuel cell any of various devices in which continuous electrical energy is produced from the reaction between a fuel, such as liquid hydrogen, and an oxidant.
fusion bomb see "hydrogen bomb."
H symbol of the chemical element hydrogen.
H-bomb a nuclear bomb with extremely destructive explosive power, that releases energy by the fusing of hydrogen nuclei; hydrogen bomb.
heavy hydrogen an isotope of hydrogen with a mass number greater than one; deuterium.
hydrazine a colorless and corrosive fuming liquid substance of nitrogen and hydrogen that is used in rocket and jet fuels.
hydric of, containing, or concerning hydrogen. [1/2 definitions]
hydride an inorganic compound, such as sodium hydride, containing hydrogen and a second usu. electropositive element or group.
hydro- hydrogen. [1/2 definitions]
hydrocarbon any of various organic compounds that contain only hydrogen and carbon, such as methane or ethylene.
hydrochloric acid a strong poisonous acid of hydrogen and chlorine in a water solution, esp. used for industrial and chemical purposes.
hydrocyanic acid a highly poisonous, flammable solution of hydrogen cyanide in water, used in manufacturing, working with metals, and the like; prussic acid.
hydrofluoric acid a highly poisonous water solution of hydrogen fluoride, colorless and corrosive, used esp. in etching glass.
hydrogenate to treat or cause to combine with hydrogen.
hydrogen bomb an extremely powerful bomb whose destructive energy comes from the fusion of hydrogen nuclei under intense heat and pressure, forming helium nuclei.
hydrogen ion the positive ion of a hydrogen atom whose electron has been removed, as in acids.