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Dictionary Suite
notional imaginary or ideal. [1/3 definitions]
other world an imagined, ideal world or existence. [1/2 definitions]
overweight weighing more than is ideal or healthy, or more than is allowed by some regulation; excessively heavy. [1/4 definitions]
pattern an ideal to be imitated; archetype. [1/9 definitions]
rudder something that similarly controls or guides direction, such as a leader or an ideal. [1/2 definitions]
sublimate to divert the expression of (a crude impulse or desire, often sexual) into a socially acceptable or more ideal form. [1/4 definitions]
transfigure to change so as to bring closer to a spiritual ideal; exalt or glorify. [1/2 definitions]
utopia (often cap.) an imagined or proposed place or society that is ideal, esp. in its laws, ethics, and treatment of humanity.
votary a fervent and devoted follower, esp. of a religion, activity, leader, or ideal. [1/3 definitions]
zeal intense enthusiasm for a person, ideal, cause, or the like.