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Dictionary Suite
mind's eye the imagination or memory.
nonentity something that does not exist, or exists only in the imagination. [1/3 definitions]
otherworldly of, relating to, or like another world, such as that of the spirit or the imagination. [1/2 definitions]
phantasm something that exits in the imagination, rather than reality; fantasy. [1/3 definitions]
poet a person of exceptional imagination, creativity, and eloquence, esp. in the use of language. [1/2 definitions]
project to estimate or develop in one's imagination. [1/11 definitions]
purblind having little imagination or understanding. [1/2 definitions]
referent anything in the real world or in the imagination that is symbolized or referred to by a word or other symbol.
relive to experience or live over again, often in the imagination.
romanticism (usu. cap.) a European artistic and intellectual movement of the early nineteenth century, characterized by an emphasis on individual freedom from social conventions or political restraints, on human imagination, and on nature, usu. in an idealized form. (Cf. classicism.) [1/2 definitions]
slave a person who works hard and without imagination, as in a dull or routine job. [1/4 definitions]
spin to form or develop (a story) spontaneously from the imagination. [1/15 definitions]
stodgy lacking imagination, liveliness, or interest; dull; colorless. [1/3 definitions]
vision an intense image in one's imagination, or an image of a person or thing that appears to be real and truly present to the person perceiving it. [1/6 definitions]