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grain to paint in imitation of wood, stone, or the like. [1/11 definitions]
Grecism imitation of this spirit or style. [1/3 definitions]
Hellenism imitation of Greek culture or ideas. [1/3 definitions]
hobbyhorse a child's toy with an imitation horse's head at the end of a long stick, which the child pretends to ride. [1/3 definitions]
imit. abbreviation of "imitation."
imitative of, involving, or characterized by reproduction, copying, or imitation; not original. [1/3 definitions]
knockoff a product that is massed-produced and a cheap imitation of a popular and more expensive product.
knock off to make (something) as a cheap imitation of something else. [1/6 definitions]
marbleize to color or mix with streaks and veins in imitation of real marble.
mimesis the imitation or reproduction of nature, esp. as an artistic device. [2 definitions]
mimic an imitation of the speech or behavior of someone or something. [1/8 definitions]
mimicry the imitation by an organism of its environment or of other organisms as a means of survival. [1/2 definitions]
mock an imitation, simulation, or counterfeit. [1/10 definitions]
mockery a derisive or mocking imitation; travesty. [1/4 definitions]
mock-heroic an imitation or spoof of heroic style, character, or action. [1/3 definitions]
model a standard that is suitable for or worthy of imitation or comparison. [2/14 definitions]
Morocco (l.c.) a fine, soft, pebbled leather originally produced in this country from goatskin, or a leather made in imitation of this. [1/2 definitions]
oleo an imitation butter made chiefly from vegetable oil; margarine; oleomargarine.
oleomargarine an imitation butter made chiefly from vegetable oil; margarine; oleo.
parody a humorous imitation in print, music, or performance of a serious person, work of art, or publication. [1/3 definitions]
peppermint a candy flavored with this oil or an imitation of it. [1/3 definitions]