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prompt done immediately, without delay. [1/7 definitions]
pronto (informal) quickly or immediately.
reconstruction (cap.) in U.S. history, the period immediately following the Civil War. [1/2 definitions]
right without delay; immediately. [1/28 definitions]
right away at once; immediately.
right now exactly now, or immediately.
right off at once; immediately.
right off the bat at once; immediately.
royalmast the small mast immediately above, and usu. on the same spar as, a topgallant mast.
save it for a rainy day to save money for future need, rather than spend it immediately.
scat1 (informal) to leave immediately (often used in the imperative).
scram1 (informal) to get out; go away immediately.
segue performed immediately without a break, or performed in the style of a previous segment. [1/2 definitions]
sergeant in a police force, a rank immediately below a captain, lieutenant, or inspector. [1/4 definitions]
set aside to not use (something) immediately but keep somewhere in reach for later. [1/4 definitions]
straightaway directly or unhesitatingly; immediately. [1/4 definitions]
straight away at this very moment; immediately.
subantarctic of, designating, or characterizing the area immediately north of the Antarctic Circle.
subarctic of, designating, or characterizing the area immediately south of the Arctic Circle.
sublieutenant in the British navy and certain other armed forces, an officer ranking immediately below a lieutenant, or the rank of such an officer.
subtropical of, pertaining to, or being the regions immediately north or south of the tropics. [1/2 definitions]