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methotrexate A toxic analog of folate that is used as a chemotherapy agent, an immune system suppressant, and an abortifacient.
nonimmune combined form of immune.
open city a city in a war zone that is officially declared to be demilitarized and open to enemy occupation, and is thus rendered immune, by international law, to attack or bombardment.
polyvalent of an immune serum, containing more than one antibody, each of which reacts to or with an antigen or microorganism. [1/2 definitions]
sacred cow any person or entity regarded as immune from criticism or attack.
sacrosanct regarded as dedicated to holy use or as so sacred as to be immune to desecration; inviolable; consecrated. [1/2 definitions]
sovereign immunity a doctrine stating that the government is immune from any civil or criminal prosecutions other than those to which it consents.
spleen a ductless organ on the left side near the stomach, which filters and stores blood, destroys certain worn-out red blood cells, and produces certain white blood cells of the immune system. [1/2 definitions]
superior indifferent to; immune to. [1/9 definitions]
thymosin any of several hormones secreted by the thymus that stimulate the immune system by promoting the development of T cells.
vaccinate to inoculate with a vaccine to make immune to a particular disease.
vaccine a specimen of modified, killed, or avirulent viruses or bacteria, used to inoculate persons or animals in order to stimulate their immune systems to protect against virulent strains. [1/3 definitions]