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helmet a hard covering worn to protect the head from impact.
impact to affect directly; to have a direct impact on. [1/5 definitions]
impress1 to make a strong impact on (someone), esp. a positive impact. [1/7 definitions]
impressive able to make a strong or lasting impact on the mind or emotions; striking.
imprint a distinct and lasting impression; impact. [1/5 definitions]
legacy anything contributed or created by someone who is no longer living or active and which continues to be of influence or impact. [1/4 definitions]
lightweight of little importance or impact. [1/6 definitions]
make a difference to have an impact or effect; to be of importance in some way. [2 definitions]
make no difference to not matter, or to not have any impact or cause any change.
mitigate to lessen the force, severity, or impact of. [1/3 definitions]
nervous having a negative impact on the nerves. [1/4 definitions]
nonimpact combined form of impact.
pad1 a piece of soft material used as cushioning to protect from abrasion or impact, such as a cushion, mat, or thick piece of blanket or quilt. [1/12 definitions]
percussion the forceful striking of one usu. hard object against another, esp. when sound is produced on impact. [1/4 definitions]
postimpact combined form of impact.
ram any of a variety of implements or machine parts designed for driving, hammering, or crushing something by impact. [3/9 definitions]
reverberation a continuing impact or echo-like effect, as of some earlier event. [1/2 definitions]
shock1 a sudden, violent impact. [1/9 definitions]
slam1 to cause (something) to move with great force so that it makes a powerful impact or is sent a great distance. [3/6 definitions]
spallation any process in which impact or stress causes material to be ejected from a body. [1/2 definitions]
staggering causing one to become unstable or near collapse; very powerful or heavy in impact. [1/2 definitions]