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staggering causing one to become unstable or near collapse; very powerful or heavy in impact. [1/2 definitions]
star (usu. pl.) in astrology, a planet or arrangement of planets thought to have an impact on one's destiny. [1/11 definitions]
strike to have an impact on; impress. [1/31 definitions]
stroke the impact, sound, rhythm, or the like created by striking. [2/13 definitions]
tell to have some pronounced effect or impact (fol. by "on"). [1/9 definitions]
tell on to make a visible, usually negative, impact on (someone or something). [1/2 definitions]
thud a muffled sound of impact. [1/3 definitions]
thump a heavy dull sound of impact, as made by a blunt instrument striking or a large object falling. [2/7 definitions]
touch to have an impact on. [1/22 definitions]
wallop (informal) a forceful blow or impact. [1/5 definitions]
wham to strike, land with an impact, or explode loudly. [1/3 definitions]
whiplash an injury to the neck or spine caused by the sudden jerking of the head forward or back, as from the sudden impact of an automobile collision. [1/2 definitions]
work to have an impact or influence. [1/22 definitions]